Takatsuki Afterschool: Green August 2024

Many of our Green Class students participate in extracurricular activities outside of elementary school, so they often come to class feeling tired and quiet after a long day of learning. To help them transition into our English lessons, we always start with a quick spelling review to check their comprehension and memory. We also play a fun game to help them recall vocabulary, which prepares them for the day’s textbook activities.

It’s always heartwarming to see the students warm up to each other and get back into the routine of speaking English. On this particular day, we played a memory game where one partner had to describe a word without saying its name, while the other partner tried to guess what it was. This activity has been excellent for encouraging students to find ways to communicate even when they might not know the exact word.



The YLE test is a major part of our Afterschool program. While some students have taken it before, many are new to the “Flyers” level, which is a much trickier test than the “Movers” test from previous years. It challenges them with more complex vocabulary, reading comprehension, and speaking tasks.

After completing a practice test last month and working through exercises together in class, it’s a nice change of pace to use the school iPads for some YLE activities. The students enjoy different aspects of the practice: some love the vocabulary recall games, while others prefer the story comprehension exercises. We’ll keep working hard to prepare for the real test in November.YLEテストは、アフタースクール・プログラムの主要な部分です。以前に受けたことのある子どもたちもいますが、多くが「Flyers」 レベルは初めてとなり、より複雑な語彙力、読解力、スピーキングの問題が出題されます。先月の模擬テストを終え、クラスで練習問題を解いた後、気分転換を兼ねてiPad使ったYLEのアクティビティを行いました。子ども達たちは、語彙想起ゲームやストーリー理解の練習など、さまざまなアクティビティを楽しんでいます。11月のテスト本番に向けて、これからも練習を続けていきます。


In every lesson, we make sure our students engage in some form of writing activity. These activities can range from listing words on a specific topic to answering questions, or even crafting imaginative stories. It has been quite a few years since I graduated from preschool and learned writing techniques,It can be difficult to recall phonics and writing techniques, but in Afterschool we do our best to maintain these skills and foster creativity.

 In this picture you can see a Writing assignment that the children wrote as homework. They checked their writing and discussed it with each other. どのレッスンでも、子どもたちが何らかの形でWritingのアクティビティに参加できるよう工夫しています。Writingアクティビティには特定のトピックについて単語を並べたり、質問に答えたり、想像力豊かな物語を作ったりと、さまざまな活動があります。プリスクールを卒業し、ライティングのテクニックを学んでからかなりの年月が経ち、


– Kevin









