グローバルヴィレッジ サタデースクール (千里山田校・高槻茨木校)(September 21st 2024)



For Tech Time, Cubs worked on the app, “Teach Your Monster to Read.” The children really love this app and get so engrossed whenever they play. They are excited to complete the levels and get prizes for their monster avatars. Tech Timeで、Cubsは 「Teach Your Monster to Read 」というアプリに取り組みました。子どもたちはこのアプリが大好きで、遊ぶたびに夢中になっています。レベルをクリアしてモンスターのアバターに賞品をもらうのが楽しみなようです。


During the end of every unit in the Power Up series, there is a board game in the activity book. It is a great chance to use the language learned in this unit and all the previous units, while having fun with it at the same time! テキストのPower Upシリーズの各ユニットの終わりには、アクティビティブックの中にボードゲームがあります。この単元やこれまでの単元で学んだ言葉を使い、同時に楽しみながら遊ぶ絶好のチャンスです!


At the end of the day, the Cubs read the story, “Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?” The children loved pointing out which child looked like themselves on this page.

一日の終わりに、Cubsは 「Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? 」というお話を読みました。子どもたちは、このページのどの子が自分に似ているか、指さしながら喜んでいました。


For craft, the children made zoo binoculars by decorating two cups with shape stamps and sticking them together. We hope to use them next week when we build our own zoo!



The Cubs moved their bodies by doing some animal yoga poses! Here they are stretching their arms as if they were monkeys.



During Communication and Language 2, the Jaguars played “Animopoly”, which is based on the famous game, “Monopoly.” The children earned points at every round, and occasionally landed on the “take an animal card” space. These cards had the children sing songs or make animal noises. They surprisingly became very competitive when playing this game! コミュニケーション&ランゲージの時間に、Jaguarsは有名なゲーム「モノポリー」をベースにした「アニポリー」をしました。子どもたちはラウンドごとにポイントを獲得し、時折「動物カードを取る」スペースに着地もします。このカードで子供たちは歌を歌ったり、動物の鳴き声を出したりしました。子どもたちは驚くほど競争心を燃やし、取り組んでいました。


During gym, the Foxes played “Please Mr. Crocodile.” In the game, one child was Mr. Crocodile and stood at the front, while the others asked the question, “Please Mr Crocodile may we cross the river? If not, why not, what’s your favourite colour?” When Mr. Crocodile said a color, children with that color on their clothes could pass, but those without would be tagged by Mr. Crocodile. ジムの時間では、Foxesは 「Please Mr.Crocodile 」というゲームをしました。このゲームでは、一人の子がワニさんになって先頭に立ち、他の子が「お願いワニさん、川を渡ってもいいですか?もしダメなら、どうしてダメなの?”あなたの好きな色は?ワニさんが色を言うと、その色を服につけている子は通れるが、そうでない子はワニさんに捕まってしまいます。


This week, the elementary children made “Who Am I?” game cards for their project time. Next week we plan to use this to play a game where they will take turns guessing an animal that is on their heads. 今週、小学生はプロジェクトの時間に「Who Am I? “ゲームカードを作りました。来週はこれを使って、頭の上にいる動物を順番に当てるゲームをする予定です。


Owls are doing very well with their reading! They played a rock, scissors, paper game where they read the cards and challenged someone at the end of the tables. Owls 読むことが大好き!カードを読んで、テーブルの端にいる人に挑戦するじゃんけんゲームをしました。


Pink and Purple Classes played “Animal Tag,” where children pretended to be animals at a zoo that would try to run away from the zookeepers. There were many fast runners in the zookeeper team, and the other animals were quickly captured. Pink ClassとPurple Classは、動物園で飼育係から逃げようとする動物になりきって、「Animal Tag 」をしました。動物園の飼育係チームには逃げ足の速い動物が多く、他の動物はすぐに捕まってしまいました。


Advanced Green made their own zoos! They all discussed what animals can go together, what foods they would eat and what their habitats would look like. They also made sure to make individual signs for each animal, as well as some other amenities such as souvenirs at their zoo gift shop!

Advanced Greenは、自分たちで動物園を作りました!どんな動物が一緒に暮らせるのか、どんな食べ物を食べるのか、どんな生息地になるのか、みんなで話し合いました。また、動物園のギフトショップでお土産を買うなど、アメニティも充実させた!



Have a nice weekend!









