グローバルヴィレッジ サタデースクール (千里山田校・高槻茨木校)(January 18th 2025)

During Communication and Language, the Jaguars spread flashcards on the floor. To start, the children asked each other questions about their stories such as, “Who are the characters?” “What are they doing?” “Where are they?” These questions helped think about telling stories about the pictures later on.

コミュニケーションと言語の時間では、Jaguars クラスがフラッシュカードを床に広げレッスンがスタート!最初に、子どもたちはお互いに物語について質問をし合いました。「登場人物は誰ですか?」、「何をしていますか?」、「どこにいますか?」これらの質問を使って、絵をみながら物語をつくりました。

During Reading Time, the Cubs listened to the story of “The Gruffalo.” The children loved pointing out the animals characters and making their actions and noises as they were introduced! It was a very active rendition of the story!

読書の時間では、Cubs クラスが「グラッファロー」の物語を聞きました。子どもたちは、登場する動物のキャラクターを指さして、その行動や鳴き声を真似して楽しんでいました!物語の非常に活発な演出でした!


The Foxes played an English version of the traditional Japanese game, “Mr. Daruma Fell Down.” To make it more challenging, the leader was allowed 3 steps after turning around to touch the other children. The children enjoyed this played and asked to play again and again!

Foxes クラスは、伝統的な日本のゲーム「だるまさんが転んだ」の英語版を遊びました。さらに難易度を上げるために、リーダーは振り向いた後、3歩歩いて他の子どもたちに触れることが許されていました。子どもたちは大盛り上がりで、何度もやりたいとリクエストしてくれるほどでした!


As it is a new year, the elementary classes reflected their experiences last year and what they did well on, as well as their resolutions for this year. Many children decided that they will take it easy this year, and wanted to spend a lot of time relaxing, sleeping and playing games! We hope your wishes will come true!




This month, the Advanced Orange class is learning the popular Zootopia song “Try Everything”. It’s a very positive song with a powerful message that teaches children that it’s okay to make mistakes and encourages perseverance.

今月、Advanced Orange クラスは、人気の「ズートピア」の歌「Try Everything」を学んでいます。これは、間違いを恐れず挑戦し続ける大切さを教える非常にポジティブな歌です。




In their current unit, the Advanced Green class is learning all about planets and the solar system. Today, they made posters together and added one interesting fact from their research!

現在、Advanced Green クラスは、惑星と太陽系について学んでいます。今日は、みんなでポスターを作り、調べた面白い事実を一つ追加しました!



Part of what makes international schools so special is the cultural diversity and the opportunity to learn from each other’s traditions. We talked about some New Years celebrations in Japan, as well as what we do in other countries, too!



The Pink and Purple classes are currently learning about materials and their properties using their Power Up textbooks. Descriptives are key in communication as they help us understand and visualize information.

Pink と Purple クラスは、現在、Power Upの教科書を使って、材料とその特性について学んでいます。形容詞はコミュニケーションにおいて非常に重要で、情報を理解し視覚化する助けになります。













