During music, the Wolves are learning lyrics and notes. They played a fun game where they tried to correctly match them together.
The Blue Class played a fun spelling game to learn the vocabulary from their textbooks. The teacher made a phonetic sound and the children guessed the letter to spell the word.
Blue クラスは、テキストの単語を覚えるために、楽しいスペルゲームをしました。先生が発音をし、子どもたちはそのスペルを当てました。
As we continue to learn about towns, the Advanced Orange Class worked in groups during gym time. Each group was given a shopping list, and they had to work together to collect the items. 引き続き町について学ぶため、Advanced Orange クラスはジムの時間にグループに分かれて活動しました。各グループに買い物リストが渡され、協力して品物を集めました。
Wet-Dry-Try! The Cubs learned how to form the letter H today on their chalkboards, and then practiced in their workbooks. Their favourite part was definitely coloring in the heart! Wet-Dry-Try! Cubsの子どもたちは今日、小さな黒板でHの形を学び、ワークブックで練習しました。彼らのお気に入りは、間違いなくハートに色を塗ることでした!
The Jaguars are learning about materials in their course books. To better understand what objects are made of, they walked around the school, taking photos and discussing each object. Jaguarsクラスではテキストで素材について学んでいます。物体が何でできているかをよりよく理解するために、校内を歩き回り、写真を撮り、それぞれの物体について話し合いました。
To continue our project for this month, the Chicks and Sparrows added roads to their town maps. They really enjoyed the feeling of the glue and did a great job staying between the lines! 今月のプロジェクトの続きとして、ChicksとSparrowsは町の地図に道路を追加しました。糊の感触を楽しみながら、上手に行間を埋めることができましたよ!
Have a nice weekend‼