Today, in Chicks and Sparrows we played a fun adjective review game. Our teachers called out an adjective and we would run to touch the card that matched. The children had such a fun time!
Today in Foxes class we made our own oceans using the new words we learned during our class time. It was interesting to see what animals the children added to their seas.
In the Owls Class we reviewed some adjectives. Afterwards we sang a song.
In Owls and Cubs class we practiced shopping by making paper wallets to store some money. Afterwards we went shopping and bought some delicious sushi!
In the Cubs, Owls, Chicks, and Sparrows Classes we went shopping. We bought delicious sushi and french fries!
Cubs,Owls, Chicks, Sparrows,Cubsクラスの子どもたちは、お買い物にでかけました。おいしいそうなお寿司・フライドポテト・サラダ・ピザ・ドーナツ・カップケーキが並んでいます。
Of course we had some reliable cashiers who were able to handle the money for the transactions! Good work!
Some of the prices were a lot though. What does a 10,000 yen donut taste like?
値段が高いものもあって、びっくり!? 1万円のドーナツってどんな味?
For Gym time we enjoyed playing a snowball fight game where we used soft balls as snowballs. Hiding behind mats and blocks was a great way to make sure we weren’t hit by the snowballs. ジムの時間には、柔らかいボールを雪玉に見立てて、雪合戦を楽しみました。マットやブロックの後ろに隠れることで、雪玉が当たらないようにしました。
Today the children in the Wolves Class played a fun game matching animals to their body parts. We quickly had to write down the body parts an animal had when the teacher said the animal’s name. 今日、Wolvesクラスの子どもたちは、動物と体の部位を照らし合わせるゲームを楽しみました。先生が動物の名前を言うと、その動物が持っている体の部位を素早く書き出すのです。
Today the Advanced Orange and Green classes got a look at some new words- this time the topic is “Technology”!The children quickly identified the objects they were familiar with. Great work!
Advanced OrangeとGreenのクラスでは、新しい単語を勉強しました。よく頑張った!
Today in the Wolves class we read the book “The Web” which was about a spider named Spin. We did a great job blending the sounds together to decode the words and remembering our sight words. 今日のWolvesクラスでは、”The Web “という本を読みました。音を混ぜて単語を解読し、視力単語を覚えることができました。
Today in our Power Up 2 books the Orange class read a fun comic about the Friendly Farm animals. Afterwards we practiced our listening and answered some true and false questions.
今日のPower Up 2の本では、OrangeクラスがFriendly Farmの動物についての楽しいマンガを読みました。その後、リスニングの練習をしました。
Today in the Red and Blue classes we talked about animals- our teacher hid the card’s picture and using only the word the children had to describe the animal. Great job! 今日はRedとBlueのクラスで動物の話をしました。先生はカードの絵を隠し、子どもたちはその言葉だけで動物を説明しました。よくできました!
Have a nice weekend♪