Today we practiced some special friends sounds and blended using our Fred Talk fingers!
今日は、フレッドトークの指を使って、Special Friendsと呼ばれる音とブレンドの練習をしました!
Today in the Foxes class we took a look at various countries around the world and the languages they use there! It was interesting to learn which countries use similar languages such as Spain and Mexico!
During our extended reading and ipad time the children practiced their decoding skills with some spelling and phonic apps! リーディングとiPadの時間では、スペルやフォニックのアプリを使って、解読の練習をしました!
During reading time, we read a kamishibai and let the children relax in the library. It was fun seeing how the children enjoyed the story as it changed and developed.
During our textbook time we took time to make sentences using descriptives and also completing a comic using our vocabulary words.
Today in the Wolves Class we took some time to play a game where we drew pictures of the food and things we liked. We then asked our friends if they wanted anything from our pictures.
Today in the Chicks and Sparrows class we made a fantastic craft using cardboard stamps and paint. We used these stamps to create pictures of our community.
Chicks and Sparrowsクラスでは、段ボールのスタンプと絵の具を使って素敵なクラフトを作りました。このスタンプを使って、地域の絵を描きました。
The Owls Class also made a fantastic community craft as well taking advantage of the outlines of the stamps and making some amazing shapes!
Owls クラスも、スタンプの輪郭を利用して、素晴らしい形のクラフトを作りました!
We enjoyed painting on the floor instead of the tables today and while it was messy we did have a very good time. We made an amazing craft that we hope you think is cool too!
Today we had a blast running during outside time. We played a game where we tried to keep a ball away from our teacher!
Have a nice weekend☆