We practiced our numbers today in the Chicks class! The children enjoyed playing with the magnetic shape toys and associating the numbers with them.
In Gym we played a new version of tag. We had to quickly find a new pair to go to in order to be safe from the monster!
We practiced our test taking skills today with the YLE test! We were a bit nervous, but we did a great job!
In music we enjoyed playing some tunes on the xylophone. It can be a bit hard to play all together, but by listening we can make a pretty good song!
The children of the Red Class enjoyed reading different books in the library. We read about dinosaurs and deep sea creatures.
During outside time the children worked together to make a big house out of the blocks. Great teamwork!
The Owls class had a cute space themed craft to do today. We made rockets out of cups and paper- decorating them with marker
3-2-1 BLAST OFF! The rockets shot up into the sky once we were finished with them. The children were excited to see their rockets soar up, up, and away.
The Wolves got to work on their text books. Today we did a lot of reading about different types of houses. We even talked about our own dream house!
For our journal writing sentence our topic today was seasons! Specifically, what we liked about the season we are in right now. Summer can be hot but the children were able to come up with all sort of good things they enjoyed!