今日は待ちに待ったHalloween Partyです!!
Every year, the school library is turned into a haunted house! One by one, the children are told to walk to the end of the house and ask the monster inside for some candy. Some were spooked and needed a hand to hold, while others bravely ventured to the screen and asked the monster, “Trick-or-Treat!” 毎年、園の図書室はお化け屋敷へと変身します!子どもたちは一人ずつお化け屋敷の奥まで行き、中にいるモンスターに「トリック・オア・トリート!」と言ってお菓子をもらいます。怖がってお友だちやスタッフと手を繋いで中に入る子もいれば、勇気を出して一人で奥まで行く子もいました。
Even though the Wolves were very scared of the haunted house, they were all able to make it instead without a single tear! They rejoiced and posed for the camera with their rewards from the monster! お化け屋敷をとても怖がっていたWolvesたちでしたが、全員、涙ひとつ見せずにお化け屋敷を後にすることができました!モンスターからのご褒美のお菓子を持って、カメラに向かってポーズ!
While the Foxes haven been inside the house many times with their previous years in GV, the children were still anxious for what was inside the house. They nervously knocked on the door and slowly made their way inside, trying their best to be brave. Foxesの子ども達 はプリスクールで何度もお化け屋敷に入ったことがあるけれど、それでもお化け屋敷の中に何があるのか不安だったようです。子どもたちは緊張しながらドアをノックし、勇気を振り絞ってゆっくりと中に入っていきました。
The Wolves kicked off their Circle Time by reviewing Halloween vocabulary! After going through the cards, they played a game of musical chairs, where children who sat on special chairs must do an action based on what was on the cards. サークルタイムは、ハロウィンの単語を復習することから始まりました!カードに目を通した後、特別な椅子に座った子どもたちが、カードに書かれたことに基づいたアクションをする椅子取りゲームをしました。
The Jaguars have been learning to recognize musical notes and playing them along with the piano! The music teacher would sing and play songs on the piano while each child was asked to play the same note on the bells. Jaguarsたちは音符を読む練習として、ピアノに合わせてベル演奏しました。
Throughout the day, the classes played many Halloween-themed games! The Chicks and Sparrows played “Match-the-Jack o’ Lantern,” where they competed with their classmates to see who could put together their images the fastest! 一日を通して、各クラスはハロウィーンをテーマにしたゲームをたくさんしました!ChicksとSparrowsは、ハロウィーンをテーマにしたゲームをしました!「ジャック・オー・ランタンの絵合わせ」をし、クラスメートと誰が一番早く絵を組み合わせられるかを競いました!
For the craft, the Elementary children made flying bats! They taped two straws onto their bat shapes to see if the bat wings would flap. While the craft was quite challenging, the children still tried their bests to do as much as they could on their own. 小学生クラスでは空飛ぶコウモリを作りました!コウモリの形切り取った画用紙に2本のストローをテープで貼り付け、コウモリの羽がはばたくかどうかを確かめました。工作はかなり難しいものでしたが、それでも子どもたちは、自分たちでできることはできるだけやろうと頑張っていました。
The Wolves were very successful with their bat crafts, as they used a template to cut out their pieces! After they finished, they moved around the room to fly their bats while flapping its wings! Wolvesも、コウモリの工作を大成功さ せました!出来上がると、部屋中を移動してコウモリを羽ばたかせながら飛ばしました!
Advanced Green found a bit of time after their crafts, so they learned how to sew! Some said that they have been learning in their weekday elementary schools, and were quickly able to produce small stuffed creatures and ornaments! Advanced Greenクラスは、工作の後に少し時間があったので、裁縫にとりくんでみました!平日の小学校で習っているという子もいて、小さな生き物のぬいぐるみやオーナメントをすぐに作ることができました!
For the older classes, they enjoyed a game of Bingo! The Red and Blue Classes listened intently for the words to be called, and even supported each other when they saw that their friends had words they’ve missed on their cards! 高学年のクラスでは、ビンゴゲームを楽しみました!RedとBlueクラスは、呼ばれる単語を真剣に聞き、友達がカードに書きそびれた単語があると、お互いに応援し合っていました!
The Owls had a bit of time to practice some origami! They started with an easy ghost craft, which they were able to finish with a breeze. Then, they decided to try their hand at bats, which even the teacher was stumped to do! The children still had a lot of fun, trying to figure out the instructions trying to guide each other with their folds. Owls クラスは折り紙の練習をしました!まずは簡単なおばけの折り紙から。その後、先生も手こずるコウモリに挑戦!それでも子どもたちは、折り方をお互いに教え合いながら、とても楽しんでいました。
以上、サタデースクール ハロウィンパーティーの様子でした。
★Happy Halloween★