Before every after school lesson, we get together on the carpet and enjoy chatting and catching up with our friends. On this day, we talked about our plans and things that we would like to do during the winter holiday.

We are currently working on Unit 5 in our Kid’s Box 6 workbooks which focuses on hobbies and interests. In this photo, we are asking our friends about their favorite hobbies to fill out a questionnaire.
教科書のUnit 5より趣味や興味について学んでいます。この写真では質問への回答を埋めるため、相手の趣味についてインタビューをしています。

On Thursdays, we really enjoy using the iPads for the last few minutes of our lesson. During this time, we mainly use Kids A-Z and Cambridge Online Activities programs to improve our spelling, listening, and reading comprehension skills. This week we used the iPads to Google search photos of places around the world that we would like to visit someday in the future.
木曜日のレッスンの最後には数分間iPadを使用しています。この時間にはKids A-ZやCambridge Online Activitiesなどのプログラムからスペルやリスニング、リーディングなどの理解力を高めています。この写真の週にはiPadのGoogleサーチを利用し、将来訪れてみたい世界の場所について検索をしました。