Senrioka Afterschool: Green July 2024

Usually when the children first arrive to class, we spend a few minutes doing a warm up game! We often play some kind of game with the Trump Cards and our vocabulary words, giving them a chance to get into the mindset of using English and learning how to use the vocabulary words we have been practicing in class! The children spend most of their time thinking and speaking in Japanese, so it is important for them to get a chance to adjust their mindset back into English mode, so that whatever activities we do in class come easier to them. 


The children have all done such a great job so far this year with our vocabulary! They are constantly learning new words and they practice their spelling skills as often as they can! We have gotten into a nice routine of learning the new vocabulary words, writing them in their journals a couple of times, and then playing a competitive letter guessing game in our class teams, where the children get a certain amount of points based on the letters they guess, before getting bonus points for guessing our words correctly. Then, we spend some time working our vocabulary words into sentences and situations where the children will have to actually use them in their lives.


The children absolutely love playing games that tie into our Course Book and the subjects that we are learning there. They are a very creative group, so it is always fun to give them a chance to come up with the games themselves. They love getting a chance to go in front of the class and act something out or present something they have made. For this game, the children came up with an action, having to do with food or drinks, since we had talked about picnics and the foods you bring on them. Then, they would go up to the front and do one of the actions, trying to get their friends in the class to guess which action they were acting out. Then, they would come up with a new action to replace the one the student before them completed!


– Anthony









