The Takatsuki After School Blue class has grown so much this year. They are used to their lifestyles as Elementary School children. They are very happy to join the After school classes and have a fun time using English in a friendly atmosphere. They are chatting about recent events in their lives with increased fluency. They have done some great things in the past months.
They’ve been working hard through their textbooks. They have completed many units related to various topics such as weather, cooking, and city travels. They practiced well for the YLE test and showed good understanding of the various types of questions it contains. They enjoyed the Christmas season and made some cute Christmas cards for their families.
The Blue Class came back to school in January with big smiles on their faces and lots of stories to tell about their winter vacations. The first week back had them talk about the animals in the zodiac and make a “Year of the Dragon” New Years poster for their families. We are excited to see what else the Blue Class can achieve in the final few months of their course.
Christmas cards in cute snowman shapes. More cute Christmas cards.
A rainbow patterned “Year of the Dragon” poster
A classic green “Year of the Dragon” poster