Hello Parents,
Today we had fun discussing journeys using our Power Up 4 books. We started our class by checking our homework which the students were able to do on their own. Green Class was able to use lots of English by playing a game where they described our vocabulary words to their peers while their team had to guess the word. We also played a similar game while testing our art skills by drawing the vocabulary words. Later, we checked for understanding by singing a song and having students match song lyrics with pictures in the story. The pictures were laced with letters so it turned into a fun competitive game to see who could find the correct letter first.
I hope all of the after school students will have an amazing year,
新学期が始まりました。ある日のGreenクラスの授業では、Power Up 4のコースブックを使って、「旅」について楽しく話し合いを行いました。