We recently read a short novel called “The Fantastic Mr. Fox”. To reuse and recycle all the paper we used to make copies of the chapters, we decided to make a big paper mache fox. In this picture you can see the Green Class in action, they used some balloons and tape as the base for the shape of the fox. Then they took the paper, ripped it into strips, and stuck it onto the base using a mixture of glue and water. It was quite sticky so we used gloves to keep it a bit less messy.
ある日のレッスン時間中に、『ファンタスティック・ミスター・フォックス(The Fantastic Mr. Fox)』というタイトルの短い小説を読みました。その後、物語の各章をコピーした紙を再利用してリサイクルするために、みんなで一緒に大きなキツネの張り子を作ることになりました。
This is the plan for how the Green Class wanted to build their fox. They decided and planned together 100 percent on their own. They talked about it and drew diagrams on the board even explaining what materials they were going to use for it. Even though the plan changed a bit as they were making their fox, the original plan was still very solid!
After a few days of letting the fox harden, the fox was ready to be painted. The Green Class mixed their own colors and everyone worked together to get the perfect shade for the fox. They even painted on the eyes and nose. The fox turned out really sturdy and is now serving as sort of a mascot for our class. The Green Class did a wonderful job making their fantastic fox!