The Purple Class has been having a great time, not only learning more about the world and English but challenging ourselves through a variety of experiences and projects.

The Purple Class learned all about the jungle and we challenged ourselves to create our own jungle park. The children had a great time thinking up of the food, buildings, and animals that would be at their park. During presentation time, the children happily asked each other various questions about their parks and the animals there. It was great to see the children engaging in conversation and having a good time.

In our latest chapter we’ve been learning about how to say what various things are made of. We have been talking about all sorts of materials, so we took some time to explore some things made of shell, glass, plastic, wood, and metal. We explored with our various senses and even placed the items in some water to see if they would sink or float.

As some of you know, the Purple Class has had a couple Show-and-Tells throughout the year. In October we saw a variety of things shared from mask beads, a light, a scary mask, a snail, and a crayfish. The children have gotten very good at telling different things about what they’ve brought and answering questions from other students. And I am always asked for the date of the next Show-and-Tell. I cannot wait to see what everyone brings in next time.
ご存知の方もいらっしゃるかも知れませんが、PurpleクラスではShow and Tellの時間も設けています。10月には、マスクビーズやライト、怖いマスクにカタツムリ、ザリガニなど、様々なものをクラスメイトと共有しました。みんな、持ってきたものの説明がとても上手になり、友達からの質問にも上手に答えられるようになりました。私は、毎度、次のShow and Tellはいつか、尋ねられます。次回のShow and Tellも楽しみです!
-Ashley (Purple Class)