Senrioka Afterschool: Green December 2024

Something that the students have been enjoying lately is our warm up activity of Wordle! It is a game that the New York Times posts every day, where you have 6 guesses to figure out a random 5 letter word for the day! Each time the children guess a word, if a letter is correct, and in the right spot, it shows up green. If the letter is in the word, but in a different place, it is yellow. If the letter is not in the word, it shows up as gray. Each guess usually gets us closer to the real word for the day, and we have managed to guess the correct word every time! This activity is great for getting the children warmed up and into an “English” mindset, as they try to figure out our word for the day. They are also getting a chance to learn new vocab words, in addition to the ones that are a part of our curriculum. They are also learning about patterns and which letters and sounds are most common in the English language.

最近のGreenクラスは、レッスン開始前にWordleというアクティビティーを行ってウォームアップをしています!Wordleとは、New York Timesが毎日紙面に掲載しているもので、5文字からなる単語を当てるゲームです。正しいマスに正しいアルファベットを入力すると、そのマスが緑色に変わり、間違ったマスに入力すると黄色に変わります。また、単語に含まれないアルファベットを入力するとマスが灰色になります。子どもたちが順番にアルファベットを挙げる度に、正解が近づき、毎回、正解の単語を当てることができています!このアクティビティーを通して、レッスン前のウォームアップができ、また『英語で考える』ことに切り替えができています。さらに、カリキュラムに含まれているボキャブラリーに加えて、新しい単語を学ぶ機会にもなっており、英単語によく使われるアルファベットやサウンドを学んでいます。

There are a lot of vocabulary words in our curriculum that the children spend time learning throughout the year. For Green class, we have a three week cycle. In week one, we introduce the words, usually in a guessing or Pictionary game, and then have the children write each word in their journals twice each. In the second week of our cycle, the children get a chance to stretch their competitive muscles in a letter and word guessing game with our vocabulary words for that time. In week 3, we usually have a “Spelling Test” where the children get a chance to write out the vocab words, before we check their spelling and fix any mistakes before moving on to the next set of vocab words. In this picture, you can see week 2, where the children are trying to gain points by seeing how many of certain letters are in all of our vocabulary words combined, before guessing the words themselves for extra points! It’s usually a close contest, and one that they really get into each time!


Each week in class, we focus on a new unit in our Fun for Flyers course book! Lately we have been talking a lot about The World Around Us, specifically famous people, as well as the things about the world that we find interesting. The children often get to read about different characters and how they interact with the world around them, both in partners and in groups. They need to think about what responses they would have to the things they see happen in the book, as well as using the vocabulary and grammar that we practice in each class accordingly in each unit. There is usually an interesting game or activity at the end of each unit that helps the children review what we have discussed, as well as use the vocabulary and subjects we have discussed in a practical way! 

毎回、レッスンではテキスト『Fun for Flyers』のユニットにフォーカスをしています。最近では、『The World Around Us(私たちの周囲の世界)』というトピックに基づいて、有名人や興味を引くものに特に着目しながら、たくさんディスカッションを行いました。また、ペアやグループになって、テキストに出てくるキャラクターになり切って会話文を読むこともあり、どのように周囲と関わるのかを学んでいます。また、各ユニットでは、今までに学んだ単語や文法を使いながら、どのように返答すべきなのかを考えないといけません。ユニットの最後には楽しいゲームやアクティビティーがついていることがあり、ユニットで学習したことの復習や、学んだ単語やトピックを実践的に使っていくことができるようになっています!


– Anthony, Green Class Teacher













